The Power of Duaa today
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Have we forgotten Dua'a
It is not that we have forgotten dua completely; we refer to it regularly. But, our ideas and practice regarding dua have become distorted. Often it is reduced to the level of a ritual. Generally it is considered when all our efforts have failed --- an act of last resort. It is belittled through actions and sometimes even with words. Is it any wonder that today mostly a mention of dua is meant to indicate the hopelessness of a situation.
3 benefits of Dua'a
- It's Powerful: It can change fate, while no action of ours ever can.
- Life Essential: It is the essence of ibadah or worship. With it we can never fail; without it we can never succeed.
- Truly rewarding: In the proper scheme of things, dua should be the first and the last resort of the believer, with all his plans and actions coming in between.
What does Dua'a really mean
Dua is conversation with Allah, the All Knowing, the All Powerful. This act in itself is of extraordinary significance. It is the most uplifting, liberating, empowering, and transforming conversation a person can ever have. We feel relieved after describing our difficulties to our Creator. We feel empowered after having communicated with the All Mighty. We sense His mercy all around us after talking to the Most Merciful. We get a new commitment to follow His path for that is the only path for success. We feel blessed with each such commitment.
Dua'a is a very secret act between you and God and should never be taken for granted it should be a practice and part of your daily routine.

A person seriously and sincerely engaged in dua understands exactly the relationship between himself and the Creator and affirms it through his actions. That is the essence of worship! Additionally, such a person can never become arrogant or proud, a logical result of true worship.
We should make it a point to make dua for all things big and small. It is the beginning of wisdom to realize that big and small are arbitrary labels that are totally irrelevant in this context. Nothing is too big for Whom we are asking from; nothing is too small for the one who is asking. That is why we have been taught to ask Allah when we need something as small as shoelaces. We should ask as a beggar, as a destitute person, for that is what we in reality are in relationship to Allah. At the same time we should ask with great hope and conviction that we shall be granted our prayers. We should remember the Hadith: "There is nothing more dear to Allah than a servant making dua to Him." On the other hand, a prayer lacking concentration and conviction is no prayer at all. We should make dua at all times, not only during times of distress. The Prophet Muhammad said: "Whosoever desires that Allah answers his duas in unfavorable and difficult conditions, he should make plentiful dua in days of ease and comfort." Also he said: "The person who does not ask from Allah, Allah becomes angry with him."
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Dua'a Example:
“O Allah, forgive my past and future sins and those sins which took place knowingly or unknowingly and forgive me for exceeding the limits and those that You know more than me.
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3 Ways to make Dua'a
Talk to Allah after prayer when it's nice and quiet
Write how you are feeling and ask Allah for what will make it better
Wake up early, hear the birds, watch the sunrise and make dua'a

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May Allah bless you !